Friday, September 9, 2011

The SMARTEESST Principle, template for training the child

S-SOUNDNESS, train the child to define his priorities right.
M-MAKE OF YOURSELF, drum it to the child that his mind is limitless and that the happiest people on earth are not those that have the best things but those that make the best of every opportunty that comes their way.
A-ADVANCE DAILY, Sonya Carson told her son, Ben Carson, the doors of the world is opened to those who can read. Teach the child to defeat ignorance one day at a time by reading a book each week
R-RESPECT YOURSELF, let the child know that it is the quatum of respect he gives himself that people will extend to him. He will be disrespected by others when he disrespects himself.
T-THINK BEYOND YOURSELF, let the child know that if he lives to get, he will get. But if he lives to give, he will get more.
E-EMPATHY, train the child to learn to feel for others by putting himself in their shoes when taking decisions.
E-EXUDE YOUR FLAVOUR, tell him he is unique and encourage him to promote his uniqueness.
S-SEEK MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS, teach him to make good friends and positively influence people.
S-SPEED LIMIT, tell him there is no fast lane in life. Therefore he must pay his dues to make a difference and climb the ladder of life.
T-Tell your stories of victories: Teach the child to encourage himself with stories of his personal victories

Source: Taiwo Akinlami, Gilgal Partners, Lagos
Some  explanations of the principle is in my word.s