Thursday, December 9, 2010

Many Faces of Violence Against Women: Emotional Abuse

Once a man carries out all necessary marriage rites and the woman start living with him, he may find it extremely difficult to continue regular visits to his in laws’ place while he expects his wife to be consistent with her visits to his parents’ place.
He may regularly feed his relations with issues coming up between him and his wife, even when such issues are meant to be the couples “secrets”.
He brings minor disagreement at the home front, before his relations who readily put blame on the woman for ever disagree with her husband.
The cause for the birth of female children is placed on the woman who is also blamed for being an obstacle to her husband’s progress because the amount of money the man could have used to build a house for himself is demanded for housekeep.
Does the above portray your marriage or that of someone you know. Be sensitized on the right of the woman. Reduce violence against women.